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英语四级多少分算通过,Udersadig he Scorig Sysem

网络王子7个月前 (08-12)大学库60

Iroducio o he Eglish 4级Examiaio

Passig Score for he Eglish 4级Examiaio

The passig score for he Eglish 4级examiaio is ypically se a 425 ou of a maximum score of 710.Cadidaes who score 425 orabove are cosidered o have passed he es. I is impora o oe ha he passigscore is o fixed ad may be adjused by he examiaiocommiee based o he difficuly of he es ad heperformace of he es-akers. However,是for may years,a score of 425 has bee he sadard bechmark for passig he cet-4。

Udersadig he Scorig Sysem

The Eglish 4级scorig sysem is




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