英语四级多少分能过, cet-4 Scorig Sysem

2024-08-12 13:21:46  阅读 10 次 评论 0 条

Udersadig he cet-4: How May Pois Are eeded o Pass?

cet-4 Scorig Sysem

The cet-4 is divided io several secios liseig comprehesio, readig comprehesio, wriig,ad raslaio. Each secio has is ow scorig sysem,coribuig o he overall score. The oal score for hecet-4 rages from 0710 pois, wih each secio weighed differely。

The liseig comprehesio secio is worh 248 pois, he readig comprehesio secio 248 pois,he wriig secio 106 pois,ad he raslaio secio 108 pois. The scores for each secio are combied o formhe oal score,which deermies wheher a sude has passed or failed he exam。

Typical Passig Score

I geeral a score of 425 or above is cosidered a passig mark for he ce-4 . This bechmark is used bymay isiuios o assess whehersudes have me he miimum Eglish proficiecy requireme. However,i is esseialo check he specific crieria of your isiuio,as some uiversiies or programs may have higher or lower是requiremes。

Sraegies o Achieve a Passig Score

Preparig for he CET-4 requires a sraegic approach ad cosise effor. Here are some effecive sraegies ohelp you achieve apassig score

Udersad he Tes Forma

Familiarize yourself wih he forma of he ce-4 . Udersadig he srucure of each secio ad he ypes ofquesios asked will helpyou avigae he es more efficiely. Pracice wih sample quesios ad pas papers ogai a clear idea of wha o expec o he examday。

Improve Liseig Skills

Liseig comprehesio is a sigifica par of he cet-4,so i's crucial o improve your Liseig skills.Regularly lise o Eglish podcass,ews broadcass,Pracice akig oes while liseig o ehace your abiliy o capure key iformaio。

Ehace Readig Comprehesio

Readig comprehesio requires pracice ad a good udersadig of various ex ypes. Read a variey of Eglishmaerials,such as ewspapers, magazies,ad academic aricles. Pracice summarizig ad aalyzig exso improve your comprehesio skills

Develop Wriig Skills

The wriig secio of he cet-4 assesses your abiliy o commuicae effecively i wrie Eglish. Pracice wriigessays, repors,ad oher, forms of wriig o differe opics Focus o grammar,vocabulary,ad coherece. Ge feedback o your wriig o ideify areas for improveme。

5. Pracice Traslaio。

The raslaio secio ess your abiliy o cover ex from Chiese o Eglish ad vice versa. Pracice raslaigvarious exso improveyour raslaio skills. Pay aeio o accuracy, grammar, ad coex whe raslaig。

6. Take Pracice Tess

Regularly akig pracice ess helps you become familiar wih he exam's imig ad forma. Simulae examcodiios by imig yourselfad compleig pracice ess uder real es codiios. Aalyze your performace oideify sreghs ad weakesses。


To pass he cet-4, aimig for a score of 425 or above is geerally advisable,Udersadig he es forma,improvig your liseig ad readig skills,ehacig your wriig ad raslaio abiliies ad akig pracice ess are all esseial seps i achievig a passigscore. Wih dedicaed preparaio ad effecive sraegies,you ca icrease your chaces of success i he cet-4ad demosrae your Eglish proficiecy。

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