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stick to的用法总结,stick to 用法

网络王子12个月前 (01-01)未命名39

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stick to的用法总结

stick to 用法

STICK TO 英语单词用法

stick to的用法是什么?

stick to的用法总结

1. Stick to 动词搭配

stick to doing:坚持做某事。例如:stick to your plan of working out every day。

stick to sth.:坚持某事。例如:stick to your decision and don't be easily influenced。

2. 固定搭配

stick to one’s guns:坚持己见,不为所动。例如:Even when faced with strong opposition, he stuck to his guns and achieved success in the end。

stick with sth.:继续或完成某事。例如:After a few false starts, he finally stuck with the project and finished it。

3. 常见用法

Stick to a plan or schedule.:遵循计划或时间表。在工作或生活中,遵守已制定的计划和时间安排对于效率的提高十分重要。

Stick to your guns.:坚守你的立场或观点。意味着面对困难和挑战时,坚定信念不退缩。

Don’t stick to the beaten track.:不要墨守成规,勇于尝试新事物和探索未知领域。

总之,stick to是一个非常实用的英语短语,掌握其用法能够更好地表达自己的意图和增强语言表达能力。在各种语境中灵活运用该短语,可以更有效地与他人沟通交流并达成目的。

stick to 用法

1.紧随;紧跟;呆在…近旁 If you stick to something or someone when you are travelling,you stay close to them.

There are interesting hikes inland,but most ramblers stick to the clifftops...


Stick to well-lit roads.


2.坚持不变 If you stick to something,you continue doing,using,saying,or talking about it,rather than changing to something else.

Perhaps he should have stuck to writing...


Lionel,you just tell the cops what you saw; stick to your story.


3.遵守,坚持(诺言、协议、决定或原则等) If you stick to a promise,agreement,decision,or principle,you do what you said you would do,or do not change your mind.→see:gun;

Immigrant support groups are waiting to see if he sticks to his word...


She made it clear the government would stick to its policies despite union militancy...


4.遵守,遵循(规则) If you stick to rules,you do what they say you must do.

Obviously we are disappointed but the committee could do nothing less than stick to the rules...


Police must stick to the highest standards if they are to win back public confidence.


STICK TO 英语单词用法

Reporter should stick to investigating the facts. We don't want to hear your opinions; stick to the facts!I also stick to eating cold foods.

stick to的用法是什么?

Stick to 【释义】:遵守

stick with 【释义】:继续做;跟着

stick to 有不放弃或不改变某事物,坚持或维持某事物的意思,stick with的意思更多的表达为支持继续完成某件事。







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