
2023-10-15 06:40:13  阅读 28 次 评论 0 条




as long as中文释义:只要。as long as用法:在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。

as long as的意思是只要;长达;既然;如果;和.…一样长。含as long as例句 He came in with a face as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again.他拉长着脸进来说,又下雨了。

as long as解释:只要;和…一样长(指时间或是距离); 长达;如果 例如:Perhaps it is not as long as some think.或许不会像有些人想象的那么长。

as long as 中文释义:只要 英文发音:[z l z]例句:As long as my heart still beats, I will go on working for the people.只要我的心脏还在跳动,我就要为人民工作。


1、是只要的意思.例句与用法:As long as you dont betray me,Ill do whatever you ask me to (do).只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。

2、在表示during the whole time that(长达……之久)或while(只要)的含义时,往往用as long as。

3、as:只要 和...一样长 例句与用法:As long as you dont betray me,Ill do whatever you ask me to (do).只要你不出卖我,要我做什么我都愿意。

4、as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again.他拉长着脸进来说,又下雨了。i dont mind as long as it doesnt rain.只要不下雨就行了。

5、as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again.他拉长着脸进来说,又下雨了。I dont mind as long as it doesnt rain.只要不下雨就行了。

6、He will be all right so long as you dont touch his sore spot.只要你不提起他的伤心事,他是没有什么的。


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