中秋节的英文怎么写? 中秋节英文翻译

中秋节的英文怎么写? 中秋节英文翻译

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英文:The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Eve, the Autumn Festival,

the Mid-Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the August Festival, the

Moon-chasing Festival, the Playing Festival, the Moon-worshipping Festival, the

Daughter's Day or the Festival of Reunion, is a traditional cultural festival

popular in many ethnic groups in China and in various countries in the Chinese

character cultural circle, on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month The

festival is scheduled for sixteen in August.


英文:The Mid-Autumn Festival began in the early Tang Dynasty, prevailed in the

Song Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, has become one of the traditional

Chinese festivals with the Spring Festival. Influenced by Chinese culture, the

Mid-Autumn Festival is also a traditional festival for overseas Chinese in East

and Southeast Asia, especially in the local areas. Since 2008, the Mid Autumn

Festival has been listed as a national statutory holiday. In May 20, 2006, the

State Council was included in the first batch of national intangible cultural

heritage list.


英文:Since ancient times, the Mid-Autumn Festival has the custom of offering

sacrifices to the moon, appreciating the moon, worshipping the moon, eating moon

cakes, appreciating osmanthus flowers, drinking osmanthus wine and so on, which

has been circulated for a long time. The Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes the

reunion of people by the full moon. It is a rich and precious cultural heritage

for people who miss their hometown, their loved ones and hope for a bumper

harvest and happiness. Mid Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival, Spring

Festival and Tomb Sweeping Day are also known as the four traditional festivals

in China.



中秋节英语是mid-autumn festival。

1、发音:英 [m?d t?m ?fest?vl] ? 美 [m?d t?m ?fest?vl]?


The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.



The Mid-Autumn festival "as one of China's national legal holidays, has been listed as state-level non-material cultural heritage list.





Moon Cake Day

读音:英 [mu?n ke?k de?] 美 [mu?n ke?k de?]?






百度翻译-Mid-Autumn Festival


中秋节英文翻译:Mid-Autumn Festival。



Mid-autumn Day is a traditional festival in China.


Mid-Autumn Day usually comes on August 15th in the lunar calendar(阴历)every year.


We wish everyone a unforgettable Mid-autumn Festival this year.


Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Day again! The moon becomes round again!


Dachuan, did you know that today is Mid-Autumn Festival?


中秋节(别名:仲秋、秋夕、八月节、八月半,英文名:Midautumn Festival)又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等,是中国四大传统节日之一,日期在农历的八月十五日。






Mid-Autumn Festival; Moon Festival; Mooncake Festival; Zhongqiu Festival;

In ancient times the On the eve of Autumn Twilight practices. On the eve of that worship Goddess. Set large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelons, apples, dates, plums, grapes other offerings, moon cake and watermelon is definitely not small. Also cut into the lotus-shaped watermelon. Under the month, the moon god on the moon that direction, Candle high burning the whole family followed by worship the moon, then the charge of the housewife cut happy moon cake. Pre-cut people who count the number of good family, at home, in the field should count together, can not cut more and no cut less the same size.


On the Mid-Autumn Festival in China is a very ancient custom. According to historical records, as early as the Chou dynasty, the ancient kings had the sun in the vernal equinox, summer solstice Jide, Autumnal Equinox Festival month, the winter solstice Heaven customs. Their place of worship called on the altar to altar, on the altar, the Temple of Heaven. Grouped in the four corners. Beijing, the Ming and Qing emperors on the altar is the place on Festival. Book of Rites reads: Son of Heaven spring Asahi, Qiu Xi months. DPRK and the DPRK, on the eve of the eve. On the eve of the eve of here, that means it is night worship the moon. This custom has not only pursued by the court and the upper nobility, with the development of society has gradually affected the folk



On rumored ancient folk worship ugly no salt, pious worship during childhood on, grow up to superior moral palace, but do not drive. A full moon on August 15, Son of Heaven to see her in the moonlight, feeling that her beauty is outstanding, after she was Queen, Mid-Autumn Festival on the resulting worship. Mid-Chang, to beauty, known for young girls worship it on, willing to look like the goddess of the moon, face as bright moon.



The custom of scholars to celebrate the moon festival from months, serious joyous ritual became easy. Mooncake activities around the beginning of civil Wei and Jin Dynasties, but immature habits. The Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival, Wan Yue prevailed, read by many poets in the poem Ode to the Moon has. Until the time of Song, has formed a full moon in the activity center for the Mid-Autumn Festival Folk Festival, officially designated as Mid-Autumn Festival. And Chinese different from the Song moon is more a sense of things sad, often Teenage moon and new moon, Yu human events, even if moon night, the moon's clear light also could not conceal the Song of sadness.


But Song, the Mid-Autumn there is another form, that is, the joy of the Mid-Autumn Festival is secular: Mid-Autumn Festival before, all shops are selling new wine, your family knot Taixie, homes on war accounted for restaurants Wan Yue, carousing heard a thousand miles away, play with sitting to dawn ( Beautiful Dream to Tokyo ). Song of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a sleepless night, the night market open all night, Wan Yue visitors, Titan is not absolutely.


Ming and Qing Dynasties, the result of the relationship between age, social life, highlighting the reality of utilitarianism, the festival, in the interests of a strong secular sentiment Yu, to moon as the center of the lyric and the myth of the literati tradition weakened, utilitarian worship, pray and secular feelings, aspirations of ordinary people form the main form of popular Mid-Autumn Festival. Therefore, the civil Praying become eager to join, recreation and well-being; to always focussed on.



1、中秋节的英文为:the Mid-autumn Festival

音标为:英 [? m?d t?m ?fest?vl],美 [? m?d t?m ?fest?vl]。


The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming.中秋节就要到了。

2、月饼的英文为:Moon Cake

音标为:英 [mu?n ke?k],美 [mu?n ke?k]。


We eat star fruit and moon cake during the mid-autumn festival.在中秋节,我们会吃月饼和杨桃。




国庆节的英文为:National Day

国庆节的音标为:英 [?n?n?l de?],美 [?n?n?l de?]。

例句:National Day is drawing near.; It'll soon be National Day.离国庆日很近了。


植树节的英文为:Tree Planting Day

植树节的音标为:英 [tri plɑ?nt? de?],美 [tri pl?nt? de?]。

例句:The Chinese people plant thousands of trees on Tree Planting Day.中国人民在植树节要栽成千上万棵树。


春节的英文为:The Spring Festival?

春节的音标为:英 [? spr fest?vl],美 [? spr fest?vl]。

例句:The Spring Festival is only a week away.离春节只有一周了。

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