LG是什么意思 英文缩写lg的中文是什么意思

LG是什么意思 英文缩写lg的中文是什么意思



1、LG就是垃圾的意思,源于英文lage,发音垃圾2、老公的简称(lao gong):网络流行语。3、LG = lu guo,路过。Landing Gear (飞机)起落架;

Level Gauge 水平规, 水准仪;

Life Guards [英]近卫(骑兵)团;

Line Generator 直线发生器, 矢量发生器[显示器]


lg主要有两种意思,其一,它表示的是LG集团,是韩国企业乐喜金星的名字Lucky Goldstars的首字母合称;其二,它表示数学上的对数函数lg。


2、对数函数lg,是以10为底的对数(常用对数),如lg 10=1。对数函数是以幂(真数)为自变量,指数为因变量,底数为常量的函数。






 Landing Gear 起落架;long 长的;language 语言;

 1. 乐金:包括广达、仁宝与英业达等一线笔记本电脑大厂高级主管纷指出,由于韩国三星(Samsung)和戴尔在笔记本电脑代工业务合作摇摇欲坠,乐金(LG)则因质量等问题,与IBM合作关系正式告终,且也不再有惠普笔记本电脑订单,

 2. 龙宫:魔族:男的能拜 魔王寨(MW) 狮驼(STL) 地府(DF) 女的能拜 盘丝岭(PS) 地府(DF) 魔王寨(MW) 仙族:男的`能拜 龙宫(LG) 天宫(TG) 五庄观(WZ) 女的能拜 龙宫(LG) 天宫(TG) 普陀山(PT)

 3. 长度:锥形角阴影效应会形成非对称性晶体管,从而限制栅极长度(Lg)的微缩,高转速转盘的转动则会导致粒子(particle)引起的多晶硅结构失效. 但是通过扫描式单晶片离子注入机1-D离子束机械扫描和较高分子量掺杂材料(B10H14或B18H22)的使用,

 4. 大:两种预置的参量可从选项(Option)对话框中的定位器(Locator)标签下设置,之后即可在脉冲模式下用标图区右侧的滚动(交换)箭头在大(Lg)小(Sm)时间窗口之间来回切换了.

 5. lg:liquified gas; 液化气体

 6. lg:lower glucose; 低糖

 7. lg:large-grain; 大粒

 8. lg:level glass; 液位计


 1. " The global competition nowadays is fundamentally a competition of talents, " Woo said at the opening of the LG Business School.

 2. LG also said the amount of compensation is preliminarily calculated as four times the possible income of the accused from allegedly infringing LG's patent.

 3. Some companies such as LG Electronics are introducing new products to capture market share during a time of uncertainty.

 4. As well as designing a clothing range with Asda, she is busy promoting LG mobile phones and writing her own column in Closer magazine.

 5. A boy watches an enormous LG TV screen in a department store in Beijing yesterday.

 6. " We do not expect this decision to impact our relationship with customers or panel sales, " said an LG statement.

 7. Students from LG Global School from South Korea showed a Smart Eco Car, which operates with a wireless electromagnetic power transfer system.

 8. LG Electronics'sales in China in 2004 were US $ 7 billion.

 9. LG has also divided its handset business and its electronics unit to give them each more authority in pricing and marketing.


 1. And there still a ceremony called POOJA after it, so LG and I went to have a look.


 2. The results show that the main factor which affects the Bust and Waist sections area ease is bust allowance, and the main factors which affect the Hip section area ease are 2HG, lg2HB and weight.


 3. Mrs. Lee: Let's go to the LG Supermarket.


 4. Cellulose material stays for a long time in the middle temperature due to the endothermic effect of primary cracking. The concentration of LG and other competitive compounds in the fabric structure is primarily determined by its competitive reaction of formation.


 5. In particular, flows through the throttling or pressure valve, cross-sectional mutation or rapid-bend of the elbow pipe when the fluid turbulence with these obstacles through the part of the interaction of eddy-current noise, the sound power level vs.

 尤其流经节流或降压阀门、截面突变的管道或急骤拐弯的弯头时,湍流与这些阻碍流体通过的部分相互作用产生涡流噪声,其声功率级随流速的变化关系可表示为:△Lw=60lg,若管路设计不当还可以产生空化噪声; 2、再说阀门,带有节流或限压作用的阀门,是液体传输管道中影响最大的噪声源。

 6. The main products have: gt1-4-type steel cutting machine Straightening, gt4-8-type steel cutting machine Straightening, gt5-12 Hydraulic Straightening machine cut steel, lg4-14-type steel cutting machine Straightening, ribbed steel bar production line hoop steel bending machine, reinforced steel bars, etc. to extend the deformation processing machinery.


 7. Two peanuts varieties, Fenghua 1 and Fenghua 2, are chesed for the test. The results are as follows: When the concentration of kanamycin is 400mg/L, or neomycin is 500mg/L, or G418 is 25 mg/L, shoots have great difficulty to grow up and the color of them become yellow or brown. When the concentration of kanamycin is 100mg/l, or neomycin is 300mg/l, or G418 is 10mg/l, young leaves can't difierentiate to callus.


 8. After the crisis, foreign investors were welcomed, and now around half of the shares of Samsung Electronics and LGE are foreign-owned.





如果ax =N(a>0,且a≠1),那么数x叫做以a为底N的对数,记作x=logaN,读作以a为底N的对数,其中a叫做对数的底数,N叫做真数。







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