什么是Return return的用法

return意思与用法1 VERB 返回,回到(出发地)When you return to a place, you go back there after...接下来由新高三网小编为你整理了return的用法相关详细内容,我们一起来分享吧。
什么是Return return的用法




1 VERB 返回,回到(出发地)

When you return to a place, you go back there after you have been away.

Blair will return to London tonight...


Our correspondent Stephen Sackur has just returned from the camps on the border...


2 N-SING 返回;回来

Your return is your arrival back at a place where you had been before.

Ryle explained the reason for his sudden return to London.


3 VERB 归还;退还

If you return something that you have borrowed or taken, you give it back or put it back.

I enjoyed the book and said so when I returned it...


The car was not returned on time, then was reported stolen.


4 VERB 放回;把…放到原处

If you return something somewhere, you put it back where it was.

He returned the notebook to his jacket.


5 VERB 回应,回报(行为或感情)

If you return someone's action, you do the same thing to them as they have just done to you. If you return someone's feeling, you feel the same way towards them as they feel towards you.

Back at the station the Chief Inspector returned the call...


She will be disappointed if her feelings are not returned.


6 VERB (感觉或情况)重新出现,恢复

If a feeling or situation returns, it comes back or happens again after a period when it was not present.

Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country...


The pain returned in waves.


7 VERB 恢复,回到(原来的状态)

If you return to a state that you were in before, you start being in that state again.

Life has improved and returned to normal.


8 VERB 回到(某个话题)

If you return to a subject that you have mentioned before, you begin talking about it again.

The power of the Church is one theme all these writers return to.


9 VERB 重新开始,继续(某项活动)

If you return to an activity that you were doing before, you start doing it again.

At that stage he will be 52, young enough to return to politics if he wishes to do so.


10 VERB 宣布(裁决)

When a judge or jury returns a verdict, they announce whether they think the person on trial is guilty or not.

They returned a verdict of not guilty.


11 ADJ (票)双程的,往返的

A return ticket is a ticket for a journey from one place to another and then back again.

He bought a return ticket and boarded the next train for home.


12 ADJ (旅途)返回的,返程的

The return trip or journey is the part of a journey that takes you back to where you started from.

Buy an extra ticket for the return trip.


13 N-COUNT 利润;回报;收益

The return on an investment is the profit that you get from it.

Profits have picked up this year but the return on capital remains tiny...


Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.


14 N-COUNT (纳税)申报表,申报单

A tax return is an official form that you fill in with details about your income and personal situation, so that the income tax you owe can be calculated.

He was convicted of filing false income tax returns...


Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return.


15 N-PLURAL (选举)结果

Returns are the results of votes after an election.

Early returns show Bulgaria's opposition party may have won.


16 CONVENTION (生日祝词)生日快乐,长命百岁

When it is someone's birthday, people sometimes say 'Many happy returns' to them as a way of greeting them.


"return"在英语中的正确发音是 /r?t?rn/, "return"是一个动词,意为返回或归还,在发音上,"return"的重音在第二个音节上,读音类似于"re-tern"。

"return"是一个常见的英语动词,用于表示返回或归还。在发音上,"return"有两个音节,重音在第一个音节上。第一个音节读作短元音 /?/,第二个音节读作弱重音 /?t?rn/。这个答案为600字。"return"这个词还可用作名词,指代返回、归还或复原的行为或状态。例如,你可以说你的“return home”指的是返回家中,或者你的“return ticket”指的是回程机票。


1、I will return the book to the library when I'm finished reading it.(当我阅读完这本书时,我会把它归还到图书馆。)

2、The customer wanted to return the shirt because it didn't fit properly.(顾客想要退回这件衬衫,因为尺寸不合适。)

3、 The lost dog was returned to its owner by a kind passerby.(一位仁慈的过路人将走失的狗归还给了它的主人。)

4、 After traveling abroad for several years, she decided to return home.(在国外旅行了几年后,她决定回家。)

5、 The company experienced a financial loss and struggled to return to profitability.(公司遭受了财务损失,努力恢复盈利能力。)


1、"返回":作为动词,"return"可以表示回到一个地方或状态。例如:- I will return home after work.(下班后我会回家。)- The birds return to their nests at sunset.(鸟儿在日落时回到它们的窝里。)

2、"归还":作为动词,"return"可以表示归还某物给原有的所有者。例如:- Please return the keys to the receptionist when you check out.(退房时请把钥匙归还给前台。)- He borrowed my book and promised to return it next week.(他借了我的书,并承诺下周归还。)

3、"退还":在商业环境中,"return"可以表示退回或退还某个物品。例如:- The customer requested a return because the product was damaged.(顾客要求退货,因为产品受损。)- The store has a 30-day return policy for all purchases.(该商店对所有购买有30天退货政策。)

4、"回报":作为名词,"return"可以指代回报或报酬。例如:- The investment provided a high return on investment.(这项投资带来了很高的回报。)- Their hard work and dedication eventually led to great returns.(他们的辛勤工作和奉献最终带来了巨大的回报。)

5、"回答":作为动词,"return"可以表示回答或回复某人的问题或请求。例如:- He returned my email promptly.(他迅速回复了我的邮件。)- The teacher encouraged the students to return to their questions.(老师鼓励学生回答他们的问题。)


return v. 归还,返回 n. 往返

return sb. sth.

= return sth. to sb.

= give sth. back to sb. 把某物还给某人 扩展资料

 例:Please return me my money by Friday.

 = Please return my money to me by Friday.

 = Please give my money back to me by Friday.


 return to some place

 = go back to some place 返回到某地

 例: I will return to Beijing tomorrow

 = I will go back to Beijing tomorrow.




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