第一问however和but的用法区别。第二问I don't know what the word meant.这里what做什么成分 while but however用法和区别

辨析 however和 but 二者都意为“可是,但是”; but是并列连词词,连接两个并列分句,上下两句在总的意义上构成了对比。 如:I really don...接下来由新高三网小编为你整理了but和however的区别相关详细内容,我们一起来分享吧。


第一问however和but的用法区别。第二问I don't know what the word meant.这里what做什么成分

辨析 however和 but 二者都意为“可是,但是”;


如:I really don't like cheese, but I will try just a little this time.我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。


It was raining hard. However, we went out to look for the boy. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子第二问:what在宾语从句里做meant的宾语。 俊狼猎英团队为您解答。

英语转折连词问题 but however while yet 四个词的用法区别是什么

but是连词,表示(较强的)转折,连接两个句子时只用加逗号.例如:I love her,but she doesn't love me.

however是副词,也表示(较强的)转折,但连接两个句子时要用分号,而且在这个词后还要加逗号.例如:I love her; however,she doesn't love me.或者将两句子分开写.例如:I love her.However,she doesn't love me.

while作连词使用时,表示(较弱的)转折,连接两个句子时用逗号,但两个句子的主语不一样.例如:I like singing,while my sister likes dancing.

yet作连词使用时,也表示(较弱的)转折,连接两个句子时也用逗号,但两个句子的主语是一样的.例如:He has a good job,yet he never seems o have any money.

while but however用法和区别

举例说明吧...yet:还...I haven't read it yet;

while:1,当...时,2.表示对比的...he is playing ,while I am reading.

however和but的区别:But 在文法上是一个连接词,即用来连接两句完整句子的字;但 however 只是个adverb,不能用来连接句子。而用 however 时要用 comma 把它从句子其他部份分开。简单例子:

I love her, but she doesn't love me.

如果换上 however 就错了文法。要开新句才可用 however:

I love her. However, she doesn't love me.

However 可用於句子中间,用作加强语气的 interruption。其实这才是 however 最好用的地方。英文写作专家 William Strunk 在其巨著 "The Elements of Styles" 写道:永远不要把 however 放在句子开头 (however 另外一个用法除外)。


英语单词and, but和however在用法上区别

(however [hau'ev?] adv. 无论如何;不管怎样

conj. 然而;可是)

and,but 和 however 三个词都在句中起连接作用。现就它们的用法浅析如下:

一、and 作并列连词用。

1. 用来连接两个相同的句子成分。这两个句子成分可以是单词、短语或分句。 and 连接两个分句时,分句本身都有自己的主语。如果第二个分句的主语与第一个分句的主语相同,则第二个分句中的主语可以省略。例如:

(1) When and where were you born? 你出生在何时何地?

(2) John and Tom are our good friends. 约翰和汤姆都是我们的好朋友。

(3) You are so big and the jar is so small that it could hardly hold one of your feet.


(4) She looked at Mr Hare and went on. 她看了看野兔先生,然后继续向前走。

2. 用 and 连接两个相同的词,意在强调或表示动作多次反复。例如:

(5) They talked and talked until late at night. 他们谈啊,谈啊,一直谈到深夜。

(6) There are books and books on the shelf. 书架上除了书还是书。

3. 当 and 用来连接两个动词时, and 后面的动词在意义上表示目的。在美国口语中, go (or come) and see 中的 and 一般都被省略。例如:

(7) Go and (= to) tell him the news. 你去把这个消息告诉他。

(8) Try and (= to ) get the work done today. 要设法在今天干完这项工作。

(9) I'll write and thank him. 我将写信感谢他。

(10) You'd better go (and) see a doctor. 你最好去看看医生。

二 . but 作为并列连词,在意义上起转折作用。 but 前后的两个句子或短语在意义上形成鲜明对照。 but 用来连接两个分句或两个较长的短语时, but 前面一般要加逗号。例如:

(11) He is old but strong. 他年纪虽大却很强壮。

(12) Learning the guitar isn't difficult, but you will have to practise.


(13) He tried, but could not do it. 他试过,但是干不了。

三 . however 意为“可是,然而,尽管”,较 but 的意味弱,通常用作连接性状语。其位置可以在句首,句末或插入句中。当其被用来对照两个分句时,中间需要有一个逗号;当它被用作句子的插入语时,则前后应各有一个逗号。例如:

(14) However, we need not do that now. 可是,我们现在不需要做那个。

(15) He said it was so; he was mistaken, however. 他说是那样的,然而他却弄错了。

(16) His friends, however, had other ideas. 然而他的朋友们却另有见解。

注: however 也可用作连接副词,意为“不论怎样”,用来引导让步状证从句。例如:

However we may do it, it will be a difficult job. 无论雪下得多大,我们都必须回去。

练习:用 but, and 和 however 填空:

1. I'd like to go with you, ________, my hands are full.

2. I'm sorry, ________ I won't be able to come tonight.

3. We must finish the job in time ________ hard it is.

4. They will supply food ________ drink on Saturday.

5. It looked like rain. ________, it is clear now.

6. Building has started ______ the project will be finished by 2000.

Key: 1. however 2. but 3. however 4. and 5. However 6. and

希望对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你考上理想的学校 O(∩_∩)O






but 和however 都表示转折,但是,然而。最明显的区别就是however 是单独使用的,文中出现在一句话的结尾,一段话的开始,有逗号隔开。

比较:He used to be a good driver, however,he had a traffic accident yesterday.

He used to be a good driver,but he had a traffic accident yesterday.

He used to be a good driver but he had a traffic accident yesterday.

另外but 还表示除.....之外,常用结构have no choice but to do除了....之外别无选择

but 还可以直接接副词。But now, I have no choice but to forget out of my willingness.


however除了表示转折以外,还可接其他词,如however much/many/far/often/long等,此时表示无论多...可以相应换成no matter how +much/many/far/often/long

比较People are going to take however much you're willing to give.人永远不会嫌自己拿得多。

In my opinion, parents do not owe their children an inheritance, no matter how much money they have.以我个人的观点,家长们不欠儿女们一份遗产,不论他们多么有钱。


求but,however,though,so的区别 请细讲

but 是连词,连接两个并列句,中间用逗号隔开。表示转折

如: I wanted to buy a book, but I don't have enough money.

though 是副词,但在句中的成分相当于连词。引导从句,不能与but 连用,可以放句首或者句中。意思是尽管,though 和although不可以与but连用,解释如下:

1.(al)though 是从属连词连接一个从句,but是并列连词连接一个并列句,一个句子要么是主从句要么是并列句,所以两者不可能出现在同一个句子中,只能单个使用:

Although it was expensive, we decided to buy the computer.=The computer was expensive,but we decided to buy it.

2. however语气比but强,但由于同样的理由不能与(al)though 出现在同一个句子中。

如:Though it is so hot I have to go outside.

I have to go outside though it is so hot.

however 也是副词,剧中成分相当于连词。可以放在句首或句中,后面一定要用逗号。表转折。放句首时,与前面的句子是转折的连接。放句首时,前后用逗号隔开

如:I wanted to buy a book, however, i do not have enough money.


e.g. Though/Although my car is very old, I don't want to buy a new one.


He insisted on doing it although I warned him not to.


②even能和though组合表示强调,但even不能和although组合。因此,不能说even although,在这里even though=even if(no matter if; though即使……也……)

e.g. Even if/Even though we could afford it, we wouldn't go abroad for our vocation.



e.g. Though all the world were against me, I should still hold to my opinion.


Though everybody deserts you, I will not.


④though可以独立用作副词,常放在句末,意为all the same (还是;仍然)或however(可是;然而),而although无此用法。

e.g. She didn't tell me what she had done, but I know it though.


It's hard work. I enjoy it, though.



e.g. Bravely though they fought, they had no chance of winning.



e.g. Although/Though he has a lot of money, yet/still he is unhappy.



e.g. Although tired (=Although he was tired), he kept on working.


The problem, though complicated(=though it is complicated), can be solved without much difficulty.


but 和however 都表示转折,但是,然而.最明显的区别就是however 是单独使用的,文中出现在一句话的结尾,一段话的开始,有逗号隔开.

比较:He used to be a good driver,however,he had a traffic accident yesterday.

He used to be a good driver,but he had a traffic accident yesterday.

He used to be a good driver but he had a traffic accident yesterday.

另外but 还表示除.之外,常用结构have no choice but to do除了.之外别无选择

but 还可以直接接副词.But now,I have no choice but to forget out of my willingness.


however除了表示转折以外,还可接其他词,如however much/many/far/often/long等,此时表示无论多...可以相应换成no matter how +much/many/far/often/long

比较People are going to take however much you're willing to give.人永远不会嫌自己拿得多.

In my opinion,parents do not owe their children an inheritance,no matter how much money they have.以我个人的观点,家长们不欠儿女们一份遗产,不论他们多么有钱.




1. 从语义上看,but所表示的是非常明显的对比,转折的意味比however强。

2. 从语法上看,but是个并列连词,而however却是个副词。

3. 从语序上看,but总是位于它所引出的分句之首,而however却可位于分句之首、之中或之尾,但在翻译成汉语时,一定要把它放在分句之首。

4. 从标点上看,but之后一般不得使用逗号,但however位于分句之首时,通常用逗号;位于分句之中时,通常在其前、后各加一个逗号;位于分句之尾时,则必须在其前加逗号。如:

We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.


He hasn’t arrived. He may, however, come later.


You can phone the doctor. However, I doubt whether he will come out on a Saturday night.


He said that it was so. He was mistaken, however. 他说事情是这样的,然而他错了。



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