spent 加on还是in 我大部分时间都在读书 I spent ( )( )( )( )( )books

都有,spent是spend的过去式spend / spend; sp?nd/ v (pt, pp spent / spent; sp?nt/) ~ sth...接下来由新高三网小编为你整理了spend的过去式相关详细内容,我们一起来分享吧。


spent 加on还是in



/ spend; sp?nd/ v (pt, pp spent / spent; sp?nt/)

~ sth (on/sth) 用(钱); 花(钱):

He spends as if he were a millionaire. 他用起钱来像个百万富翁似的.

* She's spent all her money. 她把钱都花光了.

* He spends too much (money) on clothes. 他在衣着上花费太大.

~ sth (on sth/in doing sth)


spend a lot of time on a project/(in) explaining a plan 花很多时间进行某项目[解释某方案]

* spend one's energy cleaning the place up 用力气把那地方打扫乾净.

用完, 耗尽(某物):

The blizzard quickly spent itself, ie used up all its force. 暴风雪很快就停了下来.

* They went on firing until they had spent all their ammunition. 他们不停地射击, 耗尽了所有的弹药.

* I've spent all my energy on this. 我对此事已呕尽心血.

度过, 消磨(时间):

How do you spend your spare time? 你业余时间怎麽打发?

* spend a weekend in Paris 在巴黎过周末

* spend summer holidays by the sea 在海滨过暑假.



[英][spent][美][sp?nt]adj.用过的; 不再有用的; 已废的; 失效的;

v.用钱,花钱( spend的过去式和过去分词 ); 花费; 消耗; 花(时间);


[英][s'pendz][美][s'pendz]v.用钱,花钱( spend的第三人称单数 ); 花费; 消耗; 花(时间)

我大部分时间都在读书 I spent ( )( )( )( )( )books

l spent (most)(time)(in )(reading )books.我大部分时间都在读书。


spend 英[spend] 美[spend]

v. 用,花(钱); 花(时间); 度过; 花费,消耗,用尽(精力等);

n. (为某目的或某段时间内的) 花销,花费,开销;

[例句]By the end of the holiday I had?spent?all my?money


[其他] 第三人称单数:spends?复数:spends?现在分词:spending过去式:spent?过去分词:spent


英语中的“花费”,有 take、spend、pay、cost 几个词,区别如下:

1、spend 可以用来花钱,也可以用来花时间,句型:sb. spend +时间/金钱 + on sth / (in) doing sth. ;

不规则变化:spend -- spent-- spent

He spends 2 hours in reading very day. 他每天花两小时阅读。

She spends much on new clothes. 他花很多钱买新衣服。

2、take 的主语通常是事情,也就是说,事情花了人的时间,句型:sth. take sb. + 时间 ,如果是"做什么事情"花费了时间,则常用it作形式主语,句型: It take sb. + 时间 + to do…;

take 变化不规则:take -- took -- took。take 表示花费,标志性的结构是 形式主语 it,还有一个 不定式 to do......

Arriving there took them 5 hours. 到那里花了他们5个小时。

= It took them 5 hours to arrive there.

How long did it take you to finished your homework? 你花了多长时间写完作业?

3、cost 的主语是“商品、服务”,也就是东西花人钱,也可以是花时间和力气,句型:sth. cost sb. + 时间 / 金钱 / 力气 ;

The new dress cost me 90 yuan. 这件新裙子,花了我90 元。

Writing the novel cost him a lot of time. 写这部书,花了他很多时间。

4、pay 意为支付,就是付钱,宾语通常是钱,常用介词 for 表示“为”什么而支付,句型:sb. pay 金钱 + for + 事物;

He payed 90 yuan for the new dress. 他为新裙子付了90元。

常见的 pay 的短语:

(1)pay sb. 付钱给某人,例:They payed us the money. 他们为我们付了钱。

(2)pay money back 还钱,例:I'll pay the money back next week.我下周还你钱。

(3)pay off 还清债务

英语里面spend on行spend with区别是什么?

spend on和 spend with的区别:

spend sth on sth 花费某物在某事上

spend wih sb 与某人度过时光,一起花费

spend 音标: [spend]

释义:v. 度过,花(时间);花(钱),花费;消耗,用尽(精力)

n. 花费,开销n. 预算

变形:第三人称单数 spends 现在分词 spending 过去式 spent 过去分词 spent

总结概括:1.spend意为花费(钱或时间) ;度过;

2.花费时间或金钱在...上可以表达为spend time/money on sth;on后名词或者是代词;

3.花费时间/金钱去做某事表达为 spend time/money (in) doing,in可以省略。



6.对于“spend sth+ v -ing”结构,语法学家理解不一,有人主张 v -ing是现在分词,在句中作主语补足语(比照本结构可用形容词、过去分词作主语补足语); 有人主张 v -ing是动名词,其前省略了介词in〔on〕。


用作动词 (v.) spend for (v.+prep.) spend in (v.+prep.) spend on (v.+prep.) spend up (v.+prep)


1. I can't think of a worse way to spend my time. 我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。

2. Novello says college students will spend $4.2 billion yearly on alcoholic beverages. 诺韦洛说大学生每年在酒精饮品上会消费掉42亿美元。

3. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D. 各企业需要更好地培训工人,并且在研发方面增大投入。

4. Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more. 舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱



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